Nebraska State Documents

Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies

Rather than match the exercises at all grade levels with Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies State Standards, WETMAAP chose to show the richness and breath of its program by selecting appropriate exercises at different grade levels and by different subjects. Educators can adapt exercises according to their grade level and subject interest.

The skills and techniques are listed as presented in the workshop


4.3 Measurement

4.3.2 By the end of the fourth grade, students will estimate, measure, and solve problems using standard units for linear measure, area, mass/weight, and capacity.

* Estimate and accurately measure length in the nearest yard, foot, inch and quarter inch and calculate area.

8.2 Computation/Estimation

8.2.3 By the end of eight grade, students will solve problems involving whole numbers, integers, and rational numbers both with and without the use of technology.

* Problems will be of varying complexities and can involve real-life data

8.4 Geometry/Spatial Concepts

8.4.3 By the end of eighth grade, students will understand and apply the formulas to solve problems involving perimeter and area of a square, rectangle

8.6 Algebraic Concepts

8.6.1 By the end of eighth grade, students will demonstrate knowledge and use of one- and two-dimensional coordinate systems

8.6.3 By the end of eighth grade, students will describe and represent relations, using tables, graphs, and rules.

12.3 Measurement

12.3.1 By the end of twelfth grade, students will select and use appropriate measuring units, tools, and/or technology to achieve a specified degree of accuracy and precision.


4.1 Unifying Concepts and Processes

4.1.1 By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of systems, order, and organization.

4.1.2 By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of evidence, models and explanation.

* Explain and answer questions about the model created and how it represents a part of their environment

4.1.3 By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of change, constancy and measurement.

* Measure change using appropriate tools and units of measurement.

8.1 Unifying Concepts and Processes

8.1.1 By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding or systems, order, and organization.

* Create and use classification schemes

8.1.2 By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of evidence, models, and explanations.

* Observe and develop models, such as physical, mathematical, mental and computer simulations.

8.1.3 By the end of eight grade, students will develop and understanding of change, constancy, and measurement.

* Investigate and describe changes in terms of scale, rate, and pattern.

8.2 Science as Inquiry

8.2.1 By the end of the eighth grade, students will develop the abilities needed to do scientific inquiry.

* Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data.

12.1 Unifying Concepts and Processes

12.1.1 By the end of the twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of systems, order and organization.

* Predict and evaluate how change within a system affects that system.

12.1.2 By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of evidence, models and explanation.

* Understand that the way data are displayed affects interpretation.

Social Studies

Social Studies 1

1.10 Students will identify symbols by:

* Identifying map symbols, such as legend references to land, water, roads and cities

Social Studies 4

4.23 Students will classify regions with common characteristics, such as sandhills and plains using maps, tables, graphs and charts.

12.2 World Geography

12.2.1 Students will analyze the physical and human landscapes of the world using maps, globes, photographs, and pictures

12.2.2 Students will analyze how selected physical and ecological processes shapes the Earth's surface

12.2.3 Students will explain how:

* Characteristics of regions have led to regional labels

12.2.15 Students will apply geography to interpret the past, understand the present, and plan for the future

12.3 United States History

12.3.15 Students will explain relationships between geography and the historical development of the United States by using maps, pictures and computer databases

Skill 2
Element 1
Skill 2
Element 1
Technique 1
Element 2
Technique 1
Element 2
Technique 1
Element 1
Technique 1
Element 1
  Skill 2
Element 5
  Skill 2
Element 6
Skill 2
Element 2
Skill 2
Element 2
Technique 2
Element 1
Technique 2
Element 1
  Skill 1
Element 5
Technique 3
Element 1
Technique 3
Element 1
Skill 1
Element 4
Skill 1
Element 4
  Skill 3
Element 3
Skill 1
Element 1
Skill 1
Element 1
  Skill 4
Element 2
  Skill 1
Element 10
Skill 3
Element 1
Skill 3
Element 1
Social Studies
Skill 1
Element 2
Skill 1
Element 2
Social Studies
Skill 1
Element 3
Skill 1
Element 3
Social Studies
Technique 2
Element 2
Technique 2
Element 2
Social Studies
Technique 4
Element 1
Technique 4
Element 1
Social Studies
  Technique 3
Element 2
Skill 4
Element 1
Social Studies
  Technique 3
Element 3
Social Studies
  Skill 1
Element 9