Florida Sunshine State Standards
Social Studies Standards (grades 6-8)


Standard 1: The student understands the world in spatial terms. (SS.B.1.3)
Benchmark 1: Uses various map forms (including thematic maps) and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report geographic information including patterns and processes of migration and diffusion. (SS.B.1.3.1)

Standard 1: The student understands the world in spatial terms. (SS.B.1.3)
Benchmark 5: Knows ways in which the spatial organization of a society changes over time (SS.B.1.3.5)

Standard 2: The student understands the interactions of people and the physical environment. (SS.B.2.3)
Benchmark 6: Understands the environmental consequences of people changing the physical environment in various world locations


Standard 6: The student understands the history of Florida and is people. (SS.a.6.3)
Benchmark 2: Knows the unique geographic and demographic characteristics that define Florida as a region. (SS.A.6.3.)

Standard 6: The student understands the history of Florida and its people. (SS.A.6.3)
Benchmark 3:
Knows how the environment of Florida has been modified by the values, traditions, and actions of various groups who have inhabited the state. (SS.A.6.3.3)

  Manatee River Weedon Island
G-S1-B1   Skill 1, Element 2
Skill 1, Element 4
Skill 1, Element 25
Technique 2, Element 2
G-S1-B5   Technique 4, Element 1
G-S2-B6   Technique 2, Element 1
H-S6-B2   Skill 1, Element 3
Technique 3, Element 1
H-S6-B3   Skill 3, Element 1
Technique 2, Element 1