WETMAAP Technique 4
Texas City/Virginia Point: Element 2

Technique 4: Analysis
Element 2: Feature Identification Change


1954/1974 1:24,000 scale Virginia Point Topographic Quadrangle

1994 11"x17" Feature Overlay from Technique 2, Element 1

Purple pen


1. Tape the 1994 Topographic Map Feature Overlay developed in Technique 2, Element 1 on top of the 1954/1974 Virginia Point Topographic map. Use the four "corner tick" markers to register the overlay to the maps.

2. What differences do you note in

a) the railroads

b) the roads

3. Using the purple pen, indicate on the overlay the shoreline changes seen between the 1954/1974 purple areas and the 1994 shoreline.

4. List two major areas of shoreline change that you have shown in purple.

