Geographic Summary
La Parguera
Puerto Rico

Summary information for the La Parguera site is a compilation of existing sources, selected documents, and Internet accessible data, which are referenced by section. The Geographic Summary is intended to provide a brief synopsis concentrating on coral reef ecosystem, coastline vegetation, and mangroves. It is not meant to be an in-depth treatise on the geography and background of the area.
Additional statements that further clarify issues are from multiple sources including Open File documents, government documents, Internet accessible data and are listed under Resources Consulted found at the end of the geographic summary. Only direct quotes or facts are cited. General information from multiple sources and data from Internet websites are not specifically cited. Several articles are abridged with original cited sources.

La Parguera, Puerto Rico 
The Geography of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States with commonwealth status. The island of Puerto Rico is located between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, east of the Dominican Republic and approximately 1000 miles east-southeast of Miami, Florida. Puerto Rico is an important location along the Mona Passage, which is a key shipping lane to the Panama Canal. The City of San Juan has one of the largest and best natural harbors in the Caribbean.  

Source: CIA World Factbook:

The La Parguera site is located on the southwestern edge of Puerto Rico. According to Guild, “[The] La Parguera [shelf] has numerous bank reefs that protect the shore from intense wave action, resulting in extensive seagrass meadows and a coastline dominated by mangroves with algal plains, sandy lagoons, and two bioluminescent bays.”
Note:  Build up of coastal areas has resulted in sewage outfalls at La Parguera; overfishing and changes in biodiversity leads to rapid coral die-back.
Source: Guild, Liane, B. Lobitz J. Goodman, R. Armstrong, F. Gilbes, R. Berthold, and J. Kerr.   n.d. Imaging spectroscopy and spectral analysis in support of coral reef ecosystem biodiversity research,


Geography and Coral Reefs

Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States

Source: USGS, Northern Prairie Pine Research Center (


Definition. The Class Reef includes ridge-like or mound-like structures formed by the colonization and growth of sedentary invertebrates. Water regimes are restricted to subtidal, irregularly exposed, regularly flooded, and irregularly flooded.

Description. Reefs are characterized by their elevation above the surrounding substrate and their interference with normal wave flow; they are primarily subtidal, but parts of some reefs may be intertidal as well. Although corals, oysters, and tube worms are the most visible organisms and are mainly responsible for reef formation, other mollusks, foraminifera, coralline algae, and other forms of life also contribute substantially to reef growth. Frequently, reefs contain far more dead skeletal material and shell fragments than living matter.

Subclasses and Dominance Types.

Coral Reef Structure and Development

Information on the Structure of Coral reefs is condensed from the original version available at: NOAA’s Coral Reef Information System (CoRis):

Photographs were omitted from the geographic summary

The Structure of Coral Reefs

Darwin’s three stages of atoll formation.

Coral reefs begin to form when free-swimming coral larvae (planulae) attach to the submerged edges of islands or continents. As the corals grow and expand, reefs take on one of three major characteristic structures—fringing, barrier or atoll.Fringing reefs, which are the most common, project seaward directly from the shore, forming borders along the shoreline and surrounding islands. Barrier reefs also border shorelines, but at a greater distance. They are separated from their adjacent land mass by a lagoon of open, often deep water. If a fringing reef forms around a volcanic island that subsides completely below sea level while the coral continues to grow upward, an atoll forms. Atolls are usually circular or oval, with a central lagoon. Parts of the reef platform may emerge as one or more islands, and breaks in the reef provide access to the central lagoon (Lalli and Parsons, 1995; Levinton, 1995; Sumich, 1996).

In the 1830s, Charles Darwin distinguished between the three main geomorphological categories of reefs, and suggested that fringing reefs, barrier reefs, and atolls were all related stages in the sequence of atoll reef formation.

All three reef types—fringing, barrier and atoll—share similarities in their biogeographic profiles. Bottom topography, depth, wave and current strength, light, temperature, and suspended sediments all act to create characteristic horizontal and vertical zones of corals, algae and other species. While these zones vary according to the location and type of reef, the major divisions common to most reefs, as they move seaward from the shore, are the reef flat, reef crest or algal ridge, buttress zone, and seaward slope.


Graphic of typical coral reef zones.

The reef flat, or back reef, is located on the sheltered side of the reef. It extends outward from the shore; and may be highly variable in character. Varying in width from 20 or 30 meters to more than a few thousand, the reef flat may range from only a few centimeters to a few meters deep, and large parts may be exposed at low tide. The substrate is formed of coral rock and loose sand. Beds of sea grasses often develop in the sandy regions, and both encrusting and filamentous algae are common.

Because it is so shallow, this area experiences the widest variations in temperature and salinity, but it is protected from the full force of breaking waves. Reduced water circulation, the accumulation of sediments, and periods of tidal emersions—when the reef is exposed during low tide—combine to limit coral growth. Although living corals may be scarce except near the seaward section of this zone, its many microhabitats support the greatest number of species in the reef ecosystem, with mollusks, worms and decapod crustaceans often dominating the visible macrofauna (Barnes, R.D., 1987; Lalli and Parsons, 1995; Sumich, 1996).

The reef crest, or algal ridge, is the highest point of the reef, and is exposed at low tide. Lying on the outer side of the reef, it is exposed to the full fury of incoming waves. The width of this zone typically varies from a few, to perhaps 50 m. In this severe habitat, a few species of encrusting calcareous red algae flourish, producing new reef material as rapidly as the waves erode it. Where wave action is severe, living corals are practically nonexistent, but in situations of more moderate wave action, the reef crest tends to be dominated by stoutly branching corals. These closely growing, robust colonies form ramparts able to withstand the heavy seas. Small crabs, shrimps, cowries and other animals reside in the labyrinthine subsurface cavities of the reef crest, protected from waves and predators (Barnes, R.D., 1987; Lalli and Parsons, 1995; Sumich, 1996).

The outermost seaward slope (also called the fore-reef) extends from the low-tide mark into deep water. Just below the low-tide mark to approximately 20 m depth is a rugged zone of spurs, or buttresses, radiating out from the reef. Deep channels that slope down the reef face are interspersed between the buttresses. These alternating spurs and channels may be several meters wide and up to 300 m long (Barnes, R.D. 1987; Lalli and Parsons, 1995; Sumich, 1996).

The buttress zone serves two main purposes in the reef system. First, it acts to dissipate the tremendous force of unabating waves and stabilizes the reef structure. Second, the channels between the buttresses drain debris and sediment off the reef and into deeper water. Massive corals and encrusting coralline algae thrive in this zone of breaking waves, intense sunlight, and abundant oxygen. Small fish inhabit the many holes and crevices on this portion of the reef, and many larger fish including sharks, jacks, barracudas and tunas patrol the buttresses and grooves in search of food (Barnes, R.D., 1987; Lalli and Parsons, 1995; Sumich, 1996).

Continuing down the seaward slope to about 20 m, optimal light intensity decreases, but reduced wave action allows the maximum number of coral species to develop. Beginning at approximately 30 to 40 m, sediments accumulate on the gentle slope, and corals become patchy in distribution. Sponges, sea whips, sea fans, and ahermatypic (non-reef-building) corals become increasingly abundant and gradually replace hermatypic corals in deeper, darker water (Barnes, R.D., 1987; Lalli and Parsons, 1995; Sumich, 1996).

From Polyp to Reef

Massive reef structures are formed when each stony coral polyp secretes a skeleton of CaCO3. Most stony corals have very small polyps, averaging 1 to 3 mm in diameter, but entire colonies can grow very large and weigh several tons. Although all corals secrete CaCO3, not all are reef builders. Some corals, such as Fungia sp., are solitary and have single polyps that can grow as large as 25 cm in diameter. Other coral species are incapable of producing sufficient quantities of CaCO3 to form reefs. Many of these corals do not rely on the algal metabolites produced by zooxanthellae, and live in deeper and/or colder waters beyond the geographic range of most reef systems (Barnes, R.D., 1987; Sumich, 1996).

The skeletons of stony corals are secreted by the lower portion of the polyp. This process produces a cup, called the calyx, in which the polyp sits. The walls surrounding the cup are called the theca, and the floor is called the basal plate. Thin, calcareous septa (sclerosepta), which provide structural integrity, protection, and an increased surface area for the polyp’s soft tissues, extend upward from the basal plate and radiate outward from its center. Periodically, a polyp will lift off its base and secrete a new floor to its cup, forming a new basal plate above the old one. This creates a minute chamber in the skeleton. While the colony is alive, CaCO3 is deposited, adding partitions and elevating the coral. When polyps are physically stressed, they contract into the calyx so that virtually no part is exposed above the skeletal platform. This protects the organism from predators and the elements (Barnes, R.D., 1987; Sumich, 1996).

At other times, the polyp extends out of the calyx. The timing and extent to which a polyp extends from its protective skeleton often depends on the time of the day, as well as the species of coral. Most polyps extend themselves furthest when they feed on plankton at night.

In addition to a substantial horizontal component, the polyps of colonial corals are connected laterally to their neighbors by a thin horizontal sheet of tissue called the coenosarc, which covers the limestone between the calyxes. Together, polyps and coenosarc constitute a thin layer of living tissue over the block of limestone they have secreted. Thus, the living colony lies entirely above the skeleton (Barnes, R.S.K. and Hughes, 1999).

Colonies of reef-building (hermatypic) corals exhibit a wide range of shapes, but most can be classified within ten general forms. Branching corals have branches that also have (secondary) branches. Digitate corals look like fingers or clumps of cigars and have no secondary branches. Table corals are table-like structures of fused branches. Elkhorn coral has large, flattened branches. Foliose corals have broad plate-like portions rising above the substrate. Encrusting corals grow as a thin layer against the substrate. Submassive corals have knobs, columns or wedges protruding from an encrusting base. Massive corals are ball-shaped or boulder-like corals which may be small as an egg or large as a house. Mushroom corals resemble the attached or unattached tops of mushrooms. Cup corals look like egg cups or cups that have been squashed, elongated or twisted (McManus et al. 1997). While the growth patterns of stony coral colonies are primarily species-specific, a colony’s geographic location, environmental factors (e.g., wave action, temperature, light exposure), and the density of surrounding corals may affect and/or alter the shape of the colony as it grows (Barnes, R.D. 1987; Barnes, R.S.K. and Hughes 1999, Lalli and Parsons, 1995).

In addition to affecting the shape of a colony’s growth, environmental factors influence the rates at which various species of corals grow. One of the most significant factors is sunlight. On sunny days, the calcification rates of corals can be twice as fast as on cloudy days (Barnes, R.S.K. and Hughes, 1999). This is likely a function of the symbiotic zooxanthellae algae, which play a unique role in enhancing the corals’ ability to synthesize calcium carbonate. Experiments have shown that rates of calcification slow significantly when zooxanthellae are removed from corals, or when corals are kept in shade or darkness (Lalli and Parsons 1995).

In general, massive corals tend to grow slowly, increasing in size from 0.5 cm to 2 cm per year. However, under favorable conditions (high light exposure, consistent temperature, moderate wave action), some species can grow as much as 4.5 cm per year. In contrast to the massive species, branching colonies tend to grow much faster. Under favorable conditions, these colonies can grow vertically by as much as 10 cm per year. This fast growth rate is not as advantageous as it may seem, however. Mechanical constraints limit the maximum size that branching corals can achieve. As they become larger, a heavier load is placed on the relatively small area attached to the substratum, rendering the colony increasingly unstable. Under these circumstances, the branches are prone to snapping off during strong wave action. The opposite is true of the massive-shaped corals, which become more stable as they grow larger (Barnes, R.S.K. and Hughes, 1999).


Barnes, R.D. 1987. Invertebrate Zoology; Fifth Edition. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers. pp. 92-96, 127-134, 149-162.

Barnes, R.S.K. and R.N. Hughes. 1999. An Introduction to Marine Ecology; third edition. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science Ltd. pp. 117-141.

Lalli, C.M. and T.R. Parsons. 1995. Biological Oceanography: An Introduction. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. pp. 220-233.

Levinton, J.S. 1995. Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. pp. 306-319.

McManus, J.W., M.C.A. Ablan, S.G. Vergara, B.M. Vallejo, L.A.B. Menez, K.P.K. Reyes, M.L.G. Gorospe and L. Halmarick, 1997. Reefbase Aquanaut Survey Manual. ICLARM Educational Series. 18, 61p.

Sumich, J.L. 1996. An Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life, sixth edition. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown. pp. 255-269.

Turgeon, D.D. and R.G. Asch. In Press. The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States. Washington D.C.; NOAA.

Veron, JEN. 2000. Corals of the World. Vol 3. Australia: Australian Institute of Marine Sciences and CRR Qld Pty Ltd.

The following information on La parguera, Puerto Rico is abridged from  La Parguera, Puerto Rico, USA, Jeorge R. Garcia, Christoph Schmitt, Craig Herbere, and Amos Winter; United Nations Educational,  Scientific and Cultural Organization;  available from :, [Accessed: November 23, 2010].


Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands

La Parguera, Puerto Rico, USA

Jorge R. García, Christoph Schmitt, Craig Heberer, and Amos Winter

Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Isla Magüeyes Laboratories, La Parguera, PO Box 908, Lajas PR 00667 USA

The insular shelf of La Parguera, on the southwest coast of Puerto Rico, is characterized by an extensive development of coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangrove forests. The dry, warm, and relatively stable climate, low wave energy, high water transparency, relatively wide shelf, oligotrophic offshore waters, and low urban coastal development are some of the factors that contribute to the conditions of the marine ecosystem of La Parguera. Interactions among coral reef, seagrass, and mangrove communities provide for a highly productive, structurally complex, and biologically diverse ecosystem. Coastal development and associated anthropogenic impact, technologically advanced exploitation of fisheries, global climatic change, and natural events all have potentially detrimental effects on marine ecosystems and need to be analyzed from a regional perspective. We review and summarize information leading to a baseline characterization of the ecosystem of La Parguera.


La Parguera is a coastal village within the township of Lajas on the southwestern coast of Puerto Rico. Its insular shelf boundaries extend from Punta Montalva in the east (66°59'W) to Punta Tocón in the west (67°06'W) and from the coastline (18°01'N) to the shelf edge (18°07'N) (Fig. 1). The southwestern coast is a generally dry and warm region, classified as a subtropical dry forest life zone (Ewel and Whitmore, 1973). A chain of low hills, known as Sierra Bermeja, separates the coastal plain from the Lajas Valley. Sierra Bermeja acts as an important hydrographic boundary that confines the watershed of La Parguera to the southern slopes of the Sierra and to the relatively narrow coastal plain. The shelf is composed mainly of carbonates deposited during the Cretaceous (Almy, 1965) and flooded some 5,000 to 9,000 years ago due to eustatic sea level rise (Goenaga, 1988), thereby forming the neritic zone of La Parguera.

La Parguera is recognized for the exceptional value of its marine resources, which include two bioluminiscent bays (Bahía Fosforescente and Monsio José), a coastal mangrove fringe with several small lagoons, mangrove islands associated with coral reefs, seagrass beds, and perhaps the best developed, most extensive coral reef ecosystem of the island. Such attributes, and the significant improvement in transportation and infrastructure across the island, have transformed La Parguera from a mostly undeveloped and quiet fishing village to a center of tourism. Resorts, guest houses, and private vacation homes have proliferated over the past ten years, and the transient population has increased at least three-fold — from approximately 35,000 visitors per year (NOAA/DNR,


Fig. 1.   Location map of La Paraguera, Puerto Rico, and its marine ecosystems.

1984) to more than 100,000. In order to halt chaotic deforestation of the natural semi-arid forest and mangrove coastline, the Puerto Rico Planning Board classified La Parguera as a Zone of Special Planning. In further recognition of the ecological value of its marine resources, La Parguera has also been designed as a Natural Reserve by the Department of Natural Resources. At present, there is a proposal for the establishment of a Marine Fishery Reserve at Turrumote Reef (Plan Development Team, 1990; García, 1990); a previous effort to establish a Marine Sanctuary Program (NOAA/DNR, 1984) was not accepted by the local community (Fiske, 1992). Field and laboratory research facilities of the Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus, are based on Magüeyes Island off La Parguera.

The coexistence and interdependence of coral reef, seagrass, and mangrove communities within the insular shelf of La Parguera result in a highly productive and structurally complex ecosystem with very high biodiversity. Coral reefs act as barriers to wave action and permit the establishment of seagrasses and fringing mangroves (Goenaga and Cintrón, 1979). In turn, seagrasses and mangroves contribute organic matter for coral nutrition and serve as important foraging and nursery habitats for coral reef fishes and other organisms. Each of these communities can be regarded as highly productive and taxonomically diverse. For example, mangrove lagoons function as nurseries for many juvenile coral reef fishes (Austin, 1971; Yáñez-Arancibia and Nugent, 1977; Gonzalez-Sansón, 1983), many of which are commercially important as adults (e.g., snappers, jacks, barracudas, and others). The lagoons are also the natural habitat of resident populations of, for example, snook, tarpon, ladyfish, mojarra, and sole that add to the structural complexity and diversity of the ichthyofauna in La Parguera. Likewise, seagrasses are particularly important foraging (transient) areas for coral reef fishes and endangered species such as manatees and green sea turtles (Gonzalez-Liboy, 1979) and, as well, provide a permanent niche for a highly diverse and abundant flora (Glynn, 1964; Matthews, 1967) and fauna (Gonzalez-Liboy, 1979; Vicente, 1992).

Coral reefs extend throughout a wide range of depths and distances from the coast in La Parguera and consequently are exposed to gradients of physical, chemical, and biologically interacting forces (e.g., wave energy, light penetration, temperature, salinity, nutrient availability, suspended sediments). These gradients affect the structure of the biological community within reefs (e.g., vertical coral zonation patterns) and between reefs (Morelock et al., 1977; Acevedo and Morelock, 1988). This variability in community structure within and between reefs promotes the biological diversity of coral reef-associated organisms. These changes in coral reef community structure introduce variable patterns of sedimentation adjacent to the reefs (Morelock et al., 1977), potentially influencing variability in benthic communities associated with different sediment types. The submerged shelf-edge reef of La Parguera is an important spawning site for coral reef fishes (Colin and Clavijo, 1988) and serves as a foraging area for pelagic (oceanic) predators. Such neritic-pelagic interaction contributes to ichthyofaunal biodiversity and local fisheries production.

The insular shelf of La Parguera extends 8-10 km offshore; a well developed coral reef formation exists at the border of the shelf (Morelock et al., 1977) and serves as a first barrier against wave action. Two other lines of barrier reefs provide further protection for the mangrove coastline and submerged seagrass beds of La Parguera. Nevertheless, storm-generated waves may play an important role in the distribution, structural complexity, and biodiversity of local coral reefs and associated communities (Yoshioka and Yoshioka, 1989).

Climate and Oceanography                                                                      

La Parguera is located on the southwestern coast of Puerto Rico in the subtropical climate belt influenced by easterly trade winds during 90% of the year. However, by the time the moisture-laden trade winds have crossed the island and reached La Parguera, most of the moisture has been lost. Therefore, La Parguera is one of the driest and hottest areas along the coast of Puerto Rico; the average annual rainfall 1961-1990 was 74.52 cm (Table 1), compared to 132.74 cm at San Juan. The "rainy season" occurs during the fall (average 35.61 cm), the "dry season" occurs in winter (average 9.12 cm). The highest one-day rainfall 1961-1990 was 35.31 cm on September 17, 1975 (Table 1). Most of the high rainfall amounts are caused by tropical storms that stall in the northeastern Caribbean. Occasional cold fronts in winter, which may sometimes be associated with large amounts of rain in Puerto Rico, seem not to affect the southwestern corner of the island. Total precipitation amounts vary from year to year. The lowest annual rainfall 1960-1991 was 40.94 cm in 1977, the highest was 123.57 cm in 1960.

Coral Reefs                                                                                         

According to Almy (1969), coral reefs in La Parguera originated from erosion and deformation of Upper Cretaceous limestones (with interbedded mudstones and volcanic rocks) into a WNW-ESE trending syncline. The northern limb of the syncline is the Sierra Bermeja, and the southern limb is a platform of lower relief represented by the coral reefs on the shelf. The rise in sea level associated with the last Pleistocene glaciation (Wisconsin) flooded the lower limestone ridges on the shelf, providing appropriate sites for coral growth and subsequent reef development (Glynn, 1973; Goenaga and Cintrón, 1979 Substrate, depth, and water transparency conditions in La Parguera allowed for extensive development of coral reefs during the mid-Holocene (Vicente, 1993).

Two distinct lines of emergent reefs align east-west, parallel to the coastline, and divide the insular shelf of La Parguera into inner, middle, and outer shelf zones (Morelock et al., 1977). There are many other smaller submerged patch reefs dispersed throughout the shelf, as well as a large submerged reef at the shelf edge. Altogether, it has been estimated that coral reefs occupy about 20% of the La Parguera insular shelf (Morelock et al., 1977). Margarita Reef, the westernmost in the second line of emergent reefs, is the largest of the "island reefs," with a maximum underwater extension of 4.2 km. The shelf-edge reef is located at 20 m and has a "buttressed" appearance, with channels cut into the slope down to 30 m (Morelock et al., 1977).

Table 1. Historical monthly mean rainfall record from the Isla Magüeyes
climatological station in La Parguera   

NOAA 665693).

Total Rainfall





1-Day Max.


























































































































































Some of the emergent portions of the shelf reefs at La Parguera are colonized by mangroves. The degree of exposure to the incoming waves limits mangrove development on these offshore islands (Yoshioka, 1975). Red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle, is the dominant species on island reefs; a few white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) are also present. Mangrove development is greatest in zones of intermediate wave energy. On the exposed outer cays, the strong surf does not allow deposition of the fine sediments needed for the growth of red mangroves. On the middle shelf zone, waves and currents are strong enough to maintain a constant flow of water, yet allow for accumulation of fine sediments. Consequently, red mangroves prevail at these middle shelf reefs. The inner shelf reefs are not subject to enough wave energy to maintain adequate flushing; consequently, these reefs normally have strong transverse salinity gradients. Salt builds up in the center of these islands and enables the succession of red mangroves by the more salt-tolerant black mangrove (Avicenna). Prolonged accumulation of salt eventually leads to the death of the black mangroves.

Seagrass Beds                                                                                         

The extensive seagrass beds that occur in southwestern Puerto Rico, in close proximity to some of the island’s most pristine coral reef and mangrove habitats, provide nursery and feeding grounds. In addition to providing basic nutrients, primary productivity, and stable habitats, these beds provide essential foraging grounds for such endangered marine species as the West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus, and the green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas.

Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme, Halophila decipiens, and Halodule wrightii inhabit the insular shelf zones on both the Atlantic and Caribbean coasts of Puerto Rico as well as the nearby islands of Vieques and Culebra.

Large seagrass beds are established in the La Parguera area, with Thalassia and Syringodium being the most abundant and widely distributed seagrasses over the insular shelf and also in the back-reef zones of middle shelf reefs. The most extensive seagrass beds are found within the 2-m depth contour, fringing the red mangrove coastline. Mangrove forests border almost the entire southwestern coastline, and mangrove islets are common inside the inner shelf (Cintrón et al., 1978)

The seagrass beds of southwestern Puerto Rico appear to be in good condition and serve as a key component, intimately and functionally associated with the coral reef and mangrove ecosystems, in providing important nursery and foraging grounds for many commercially important fish and invertebrate populations. In order to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of these nearshore marine ecosystems, future development plans will have to take into consideration the physical and biological requirements of the seagrass beds and offer protection whenever possible, as well as restoring the original mangrove fringe where it has been cut or destroyed.


Acevedo, R., J. Morelock. 1988. Effects of terrigenous sediment influx on coral reef zonation in southwestern Puerto Rico. Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, Australia, 2:189-194.

Almy, C. 1965. Parguera Limestone, Upper Cretaceous Mayaguez Group, Southwestern Puerto Rico. Ph.D. Thesis, Rice University, Houston TX, USA.

Austin, H. M. 1971. A survey of the ichthyofauna of the mangroves of western Puerto Rico during December 1967-August 1968. Caribbean Journal of Science, 11 (3-4):171-178.

Cintrón, G., A. Jugo, D. Pool, G. Morris. 1978. Mangroves of arid environments in Puerto Rico and adjacent islands. Biotropica, 10(2):23-35.

Colin, P. L., I. E. Clavijo. 1988. Spawning activity of fishes producing pelagic eggs on a shelf edge coral reef, southwestern Puerto Rico. Bulletin of Marine Science, 43:249- 279.

Ewel, J. J., L. Whitmore. 1973. The Ecological Life Zones of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Forest Service Research Paper ITF 18, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 18 pp.

Fiske, S. J. 1992. Sociocultural aspects of establishing marine protected areas. Ocean and Coastal Management, 18:25-46.

García, J. R. 1990. Population dynamics and production of Phyllorhiza punctata (Cnidaria:Scyphozoa) in Laguna Joyuda, Puerto Rico. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 64:243-251.

Glynn, P. W. 1964. Common Marine Invertebrate Animals of the Shallow Waters of Puerto Rico. Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueño, Historia Natural de Puerto Rico, San Juan PR, USA, 48 pp.

Goenaga, C., G. Cintrón. 1979. Inventory of the Puerto Rican Coral Reefs. Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Zone Management Program, San Juan PR, USA, 190 pp.

Gonzalez-Liboy, J. 1979. An Examination of the Present Condition of Seagrass Meadows in La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Final Report, State of Puerto Rico Project No. 4, June, 1979.

Gonzalez-Sansón, G. 1983. Estructura de las comunidades de peces en las lagunas costeras de Tunas de Zaza, Cuba. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas, 4:135-158.

Matthews, B. 1967. An Ecological Guide to the Littoral Fauna and Flora of Puerto Rico. Department of Education, San Juan PR, USA, 37 pp.

Morelock, J., N. Schneiderman, W. Bryant. 1977. Shelf reefs, southwestern Puerto Rico. Studies in Geology, 4:17-25

NOAA/DNR. 1984. Declaración de Impacto Ambiental Final y Plan de Manejo Para el Sanctuario Marino Nacional de La Parguera. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, 277 pp.

Plan Development Team. 1990. The Potential of Marine Fishery Reserves for Reef Fish Management in the U. S. Southern Atlantic. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS- SEFC-261, 40 pp.

Vicente, V. P. 1992. A summary of ecological information on the seagrass beds of Puerto Rico. In: Coastal Plant Communities of Latin America, pp 123-133. Academic Press, New York, NY, USA.

Yoshioka, P. 1975. Mangrove root communities in Jobos Bay. In: Puerto Rico Nuclear Center: Aguirre Environmental Studies, Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico, Final Report, 1975, 1:50-65.

Yáñez-Arancibia, A., R. S. Nugent. 1977. El papel ecológico de los peces en estuarios y lagunas costeras. UNAM Anales Centro Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, 4:107-114.

The following information on Puerto Rico is abridged from  Chapter 16 of Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2008,Wilkinson, C, ed; Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and Reef and Rainforest Research Center, Townsville, Australia; available  from: [Accesse: November 23, 2010]. Information/data/maps/provide by REEFBase (



Status of the Coral Reef Ecosystems in the U.S. Caribean and Gulf of Mexico:

Florida, Flower Garden Banks, Puerto Rico,

Navassa and USVI

 Editors: Mark E. Monaco, Jeannette Waddell, Alicia Clarke,
Chris Caldow, Christopher F.G. Jeffrey, Simon Pittman



This chapter covers coral reef areas under the jurisdiction of the USA in the Wider Caribbean: Florida; Flower Garden Banks; Puerto Rico; U.S. Virgin Islands; and Navassa. The following information is condensed from six chapters of The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008. Access to the full text of this comprehensive report is available at:

Status of the Coral Reefs In 2008

Puerto Rico: Coral cover has been variable spatially, temporally and between studies over the years, but all studies report a general decline from bleaching and disease, as well as sediment and nutrient inputs. Up to 97% of corals bleached at monitoring sites with about 50% coral 229 Status of the Coral Reef Ecosystems in the U.S. Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico mortality during the 2005 bleaching event; a massive white plague-like outbreak followed that resulted in 20 - 60% decline in coral cover on the east coast within 6 months. In addition, coral cover in southwest Puerto Rico is inversely correlated with increased turbidity from sediment and nutrient inputs.

Status of Coral Reef Fishes and Invertebrates

Puerto Rico: Shallow water reef fish abundance has generally declined; for example Nassau and goliath groupers (E. striatus and E. itajara) and queen conch (Strombus gigas) are being over-fished, as well as snapper and parrotfish. Fish spawning aggregations have also declined, especially for the larger, more commercially desirable species. Models developed by the University of Miami showed the majority of species are over-fished, with some substantially over-fished. The only large groupers that remain are known to cause ciguatera poisoning in humans. Although there has been a substantial decrease in fishing effort over the last 20 years, there is still an excess of fishing pressure. There has been a shift in community structure of fished groupers in southwest Puerto Rico from 2001-2006. Initially red hind (E. guttatus) were the most prevalent species, then the smaller Coney (Cephalopholis fulvus) became more prevalent, and most recently the smallest grouper (Graysby, Cephalopholis cruentatus) constituted well over 50% of the fished groupers in 2003, and more than 90% in 2006.

Anthropogenic Threats to Coral Reefs

The top 5 threats to US Caribbean coral reefs include: elevated sea water temperature resulting in coral bleaching; coral diseases; tropical storms and hurricanes; unsustainable coastal development resulting in increased sediment and nutrient runoff; and over-fishing and damage from fishing. However the significance of each threat varies considerably. For example Florida, Puerto Rico and the USVI are heavily populated, unlike the Flower Garden Banks and Navassa.

 U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico: Scientists and resource managers perceive that the top 5 threats above are increasing, while biological resources are decreasing. However, the most dramatic recent losses were due to major coral bleaching and subsequent increased disease incidence in 2005 when sea water temperatures were the highest for the last 14 years. Bleaching conditions persisted for 12 to 15 weeks and were associated with a massive increase in coral disease lesions in the following months. In the USVI, there was a 2530% increase in disease lesions and a 770% increase in denuded skeleton caused by disease, compared to pre-bleaching levels. Bleaching and disease also occurred in deeper coral reefs. The coral bleaching in 2005 and post-bleaching mortality in 2006 also had dramatic consequences for Puerto Rican reefs, resulting in coral mortality of up to 90% at some monitoring sites. The principal reef building species, Montastraea annularis complex was seriously affected.

The most common diseases affecting Puerto Rican corals were white plague-II, yellow band, white band, black band, aspergillosis and coralline white band; but the distribution and prevalence was highly variable. Frequent epizootic events result in significant losses of coral cover on most reefs around the island, particularly during the summer; but bleaching and disease disappear when temperatures drop in winter.

Reporting on reef fisheries status remains a major challenge for resource managers, largely due to inadequate data on commercial and recreational fisheries. Managers report that 233 Status of the Coral Reef Ecosystems in the U.S. Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico

Current Conservation Management Activities

U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico: Since the early 1960s, many MPAs have been established in the USVI by Federal and Territorial agencies, including the recently enlarged Virgin Islands Marine National Monuments, Marine National Parks, a Marine Conservation District (MCD), several small marine reserves, Spawning Aggregation Areas (SPAGs) and 18 Areas of Particular Concern. On St. Croix, the East End Marine Park was established in 2003. Existing MPAs vary greatly in size, location and purpose and represent a wide regulatory spectrum, ranging from very little regulation (multi-use areas) to the total exclusion of extractive activities (marine reserves). The few studies inside and outside MPAs in the U.S. Caribbean have highlighted problems related to suboptimal boundary delineations, high human impacts, low resilience to disturbance and limited recovery in marine reserves. The Hind Bank Marine Conservation District south of St. Thomas was established in 1999 and became the first no-take federal 235 Status of the Coral Reef Ecosystems in the U.S. Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.