WETMAAP Technique 1
La Parguera, Puerto Rico - Element 1
en espaņol

Technique 1: Area Measurement
Element 1: Area of Site


measurements from Skill 2, Element 1


Reference Manual


Hint: Area is a measurement of length times width.

1. Review section in Reference Manual on Scale.

2. Use measurements determined in Skill 2, Element 1.

_______ What is the area of the study site in square inches?

3. Use the number of feet determined in Skill 2, Element 1.

_______ What is the area of the study site in square feet?

4. Calculate the number of acres in the study site by using the number of square feet generated in #3 above.

_______ How many acres are in the study site?

Hint: An acre is 43,560 square feet..