Indiana Dunes Element 2

Skill 1: Map Use
Element 2: Feature Identification 


1:24,000 scale 1991/1991 Dune Acres, IN; Chesterton, IN, USGS Topographic Quadrangles
2005 Indiana Dunes Aerial Photograph
Topographic Symbols Chart
magnifying glass


Use the 1:24,000 scale 1991/1991 Dune Acres, IN/Chesterton, IN, USGS Topographic Quadrangles.

2. Use the 2005 Indiana Dunes aerial photograph covering the same area.

3. Use the Topographic Symbols Chart.

4. Identify an area of marsh.

5. Identify areas of woodland vegetation..

6. Identify the following cultural features on the map:

a. benchmark

b. railroad line

c. school

d. water tower

7. On the 2005 Indiana Dunes aerial photograph find:

a. forested wetland

b. upland forest

c. agricultural fields

8. On the aerial photograph can you identify new housing subdivisions?

9. What is the elevation difference between Cowles Bog and elevation for Lake Michigan?