Golden Meadow Background Information

Barataria- Terrebonne Estuary Louisiana

The Physical Setting

The Mississippi River and its importance to the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

Marsh Development and Marsh Break-Up

Barrier Island Formation



Wetland Forests

Coastal Upland Forests

Barrier Island

Specific Environmental Concerns


Table 2.1

Figure 2.3


The Culture

Cultural and Historical Development

Human Impact

The Longest Village Street



          Age Structure


References Consulted


Internet Sources


Background Information
Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary

General statements and explanation of the Geographic Summary are a result of field observations by the WETMAAP Team and a composite of information from multiple sources.Sections describing the culture are from interviews, field observation, The Longest Street: A Story of Lafourche Parish and Grand Isle, and Avery and Weeks Island Geographic Summary, a compilation of information from Southeast Maps, which was funded by the National Science Foundation through Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina and WETMAAP (Wetlands Education Through Maps and Aerial Photography).Sections explaining the location, general description, physical setting, and vegetative pattern of the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary, and the Mississippi River, water modification and water salinity, and causes of wetland loss are from the Executive Summary and the general text of the Barataria- Terrebonne National Estuary Program BTNEP Publ. No. 20, Status and Trends of Hydrologic Modification, Reduction in Sediment Availability, and Habitat Loss/Modification in the Barataria and Terrebonne Estuaries Systems Denise J. Reed, editor. Some sections are combined or modified to reflect the focus on the Golden Meadow site.Direct passages from the BTNEP Publ. No. 20 are not cited; additional statements that further clarify issues are from multiple sources, which are listed under Resources Consulted found at the end of the geographic summary. Note: The Geographic Summary is a compilation of information from existing sources and is intended to provide a brief synopsis of the Barataria-Terrebonne program, the estuary, and the Golden Meadow site.It is not meant to be an in-depth treatise on the geography and background of the area.

The Physical Setting

The Barataria-Terrebonne estuary is located in southern Louisiana (Figure 2.1). style="mso-spacerun: yes">  The estuary is flanked by two of the largest rivers in the United States, the Mississippi on the east edge and the Atchafalaya on the west edge.  These rivers carry a combined average of 15,360 cubic meters per second of water (maximum flood flow of 57, 900 cubic meters per second), a daily sediment flow of 1 to 1.5 million metric tons.  The Mississippi River is leveed, and the levees on its west bank prevent the historical spring overbank flooding into the estuary. Most of the water and sediments are now carried beyond the mouth of the river into the deep water at the edge of the continental shelf where most of the sediment is deposited.  This sediment is lost from the coastal system.  The river’s freshwater and the finest sediments, however, are usually carried by prevailing currents in a large gyre westward, curving back eastward along the shore of the Barataria Basin.  Because the Atchafalaya River is not leveed below the Avoca Island Cutoff (less than 10 miles below Morgan City), some of its water flows out through flanking marshes and enriches them with nutrients and sediments, building an active delta.

The Mississippi River and its importance to the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary

The Mississippi River had a strategic role in and continues to be important in the development of the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary.  Over the past 10,000 years the Mississippi River has built the present southeastern coast of Louisiana as a series of overlapping delta lobes (Figure 2.2).  As the flow of the river changed course, sediment was deposited to form successively more recent delta lobes.  Marsh develops as plants invade the exposed sediments of each delta lobe.  This marsh becomes a valuable wildlife habitat and serves as nursery grounds, shelter, and nutrient source for the development of abundant populations of fish and shellfish.  As the transition from one delta lobe to another occurs, the older delta lobe is left without frequent deposition of sediments allowing the older deltaic sediments to compact.  This results in subsidence of the marsh surface.

With the development of man-made levees along the rivers and bayous, fresh water and sediment is not available to counter the force of subsidence, and the resultant intrusion of saltwater from the gulf.

Figure 2.1:  Location  and Boundaries of the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary

(Source: BTNEP Publ. No. 20, Status and Trends of Hydrologic  Modification, Reduction in Sediment Availability, and Habitat Loss/Modification in the Barataria and Terrebonne Estuaries Systems,  Denise J. Reed, editor.)

Figure 2.2: Succession of Mississippi Deltas

Source: Avery and Weeks Island Geographic Summary, Southeast Maps, funded by the National Science Program through Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina and WETMAAP (Wetlands Education Through Maps and Aerial Photography).

Saltwater intrusion occurs as the marsh surface continues to subside and freshwater is not available to push back the gulf.  The wetlands, barrier islands, and freshwater from rivers and streams keep the gulf from intruding into the upper part of the ecosystem, including fresh marshes, swamps, and freshwater bayous.  As the wetlands degrade, and hydrologic modification reduces freshwater inflow, bayous, such as Lafourche become more vulnerable to invasion from the gulf. Bayou Lafourche supplies drinking water to 300,000 people, and freshwater for industrial operations.  As saltwater increasingly intrudes, water intakes frequently must be shut down. Hence, the continued degradation of coastal wetlands is a critical problem in protecting the mainland, and inland water sources.

Marsh Development and Marsh Break-Up

Marshes develop on the delta lobes as plants invade the exposed mud flats.  The plants that colonize specific areas are suited for that particular salinity regime.  If flooding occurs from a sediment rich source such as the Mississippi River, the marsh plants can trap additional sediment, or slow water movement enough to allow sediments to settle.  These processes can result in elevation of the marsh surface through deposition.  Extended periods of inundation however may result in accumulation of toxic sulfides from anaerobic decomposition, killing plants, and making sediment more vulnerable to erosion.  If saltwater intrudes into a fresh marsh, the habitat will be altered, as the plants and organisms that once thrived in the freshwater marsh cannot survive in saltwater.  If the invasion of saltwater is gradual enough, plants and organisms that can thrive in a saltwater habitat begin to invade and succeed, eventually establishing a brackish marsh.  As saltwater intrudes, the marshes may subside due to the increased weight of the saltwater, sediment sources being cut off, and high rates of sediment compaction in these geologically young sediments.  The loss of marsh reduces the amount of storm surge buffer protection for the mainland against destructive weather patterns.  The saltwater is able to intrude into less saline regimes, which stresses freshwater, intermediate, and brackish plants causing them to die; if this happens too quickly for more saline tolerant plants to become established, the marsh surface is eroded without vegetation protection, making more open water.  More open water means more erosion, saltwater intrusion, loss of plants, more bare flats to be eroded, creating a cycle of marsh break-up and invariably marsh loss.   A major problem within the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary is the disappearance of freshwater and saltwater marshes, which are an important economic resource and protective buffer for the region and the resulting increase in shallow open water areas.

Approximately 70% of the freshwater marshes in the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary are floating marshes, called flotant.  These marshes develop in quiet, freshwater zones where organic matter builds up and forms a thick peat mat above the clay mineral layer.  As the land subsides, there is a tug-of-war between the pull from below, and the natural buoyancy of the peat and the plants that colonize it.  Often, the thick mat will eventually break free and float to the surface.  When saltwater, or other stressful conditions invade these marshes and kill the vegetation, the floating mat loses some of its buoyancy, as gas-producing metabolic processes in the soil abate, and decomposing plants lose trapped air spaces.   The marsh then breaks up and sinks.  The loss of this freshwater flotant is another source of marsh break-up and marsh loss in the Barataria-Terrebonne estuarine system.

Much of the conversion of wetlands to open water in the estuary is attributed to a process called subsidence, which is the compaction of sediments beneath the marsh, causing it to sink. The erosional forces associated with hurricanes and flooding exacerbate this process.  Prior to World War II, the natural process of subsidence was equalized by the sediments deposited from Mississippi River flooding.  However, with the completion of the levee system along the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers, overbank flooding has been prevented.  While World War II may be used as a defining moment in history for depositional changes in river sediments, the actual decline in sediments began much earlier.  Other sediment milestones include levees built to their present height after the flood of 1927, and the arrival of floating oil rig in the late 1930’s and 1940’s, which restricted flow of sediments to the river (Curole, personal communication).  Canals and navigation channels that cut through the marshes for cargo transport and oil exploration and production also are responsible for increasing marsh break-up.  Such channels and canals provide an unrestricted access for saltwater to flow further inland, especially during drought conditions. 

Barrier Island Formation

Barrier islands form when flanking barriers separate from the mainland through erosion caused by hurricanes, floods, and other weather patterns.   As storms develop along or move toward the shoreline of Louisiana, barrier islands receive the brunt of the storm fury.  Barrier islands reduce the impact of the storm surge by reducing the energy, thus reducing the height storm surge heading towards shore.

The sediments of the barrier islands are removed during storms, reducing the linear extent and height of the island.  The sandy sediments from the barrier islands may become part of the inner shelf shoal (a collection of sediment redeposited by over-active currents) or it may be carried by longshore drift further along the coastline.  Without sediment input from the river, as was the case in the natural system, there is no longer a continuous new supply of sediments to feed the barrier island formation.  Over time, the barrier island becomes a part of the underwater inner shelf shoal, no longer enabling it to protect the shoreline and marshes.  After the barrier island has disintegrated, the shoreline becomes subject to erosion, which explains, in part, the dissipating shoreline of Louisiana. 

As the barrier islands diminish in size over time, and the protection provided by these barrier islands no longer exists, the marsh which had been protected from wave action will become more susceptible to erosion, possibly breaking up and becoming lost. 



The Barataria-Terrebonne estuary is composed of a number of different vegetative communities that reflect gradients in salinity (the relative supply of freshwater vs. marine water) and land elevation.  The coastal marshes occur as adjacent bands of salt, brackish, intermediate, and freshwater vegetation lying parallel to the Gulf coast in a landward direction.  These communities can be characterized by the following species associations: salt (Spartina alterniflora/Distichlis spicata), brackish (Spartina patens/Spartina alterniflora), intermediate (Spartina patens/Vigna spp./Sagittaria lancifolia/other spp.), and fresh (Panicum hemitomon/Sagittaria spp/Eleocharis spp./other species).  Floating marshes are found in primarily freshwater areas, but also occur in intermediate and a few brackish areas.  The dominant plant species in floating marshes are Panicum hemitomon and Eleocharis spp.  

A change in vegetation indicates a change in other environmental parameters.  Most likely, the change can be attributed to the intrusion of saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico to the freshwater marshes further inland.  This intrusion may indicate increased erosion of barrier islands and marsh buffers, high rates of subsidence, and/or the lack of freshwater inflow.  As the habitat changes, organisms’ dependant on the ecosystem must either adapt or move.

The most recent broad scale habitat data available (1988) covers approximately 3.5 million acres of the 4.1 million acres within the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary System area.   Based on these data, and additional sources, there are approximately 909,000 acres of marsh (380,000 acres of fresh marsh and 531,000 acres of non-fresh marsh), 790,000 acres of forested wetland, and 1,500,000 acres of open water.

Wetland Forests

Most of the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary is covered with marsh, however, large areas of forested wetland exist landward of the freshwater marshes in the two sub-basins of the estuary.  Forests are found in the upper reaches of the estuary and can be divided into freshwater swamps dominated by bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) and water tupelo gum (Nyssa aquatic), with a red maple (Acer rubrum) and buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) understory; and seasonally flooded bottomland hardwood forests dominated by several oak species (Quercus spp.), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. lanceolata), and other hardwood species.  These two types of forests occur about equally in the Barataria-Terrebonne basin.  In addition, there is considerable area characterized as scrub/shrub, which increasingly refers to the plant associations developing on elevated dredge deposits.

Coastal Upland Forests

A unique plant association on the Caminada cheniere headland is all that remains of the coastal forests that used to fringe much of the coast, on the barrier islands and along the larger natural levees, such as along Bayou Lafourche.   Nearly all this association has been cleared for habitation, or as in the case of Chenier Caminada, has subsided below an elevation that will support an upland forest.  The remaining fragment is dominated by live oak  (Quercus virginiana) and water oak (Quercus nigra), with hackberry (Celtis spp.) and other species.  Buckbush (Baccharis halmifolia) and marsh elder (Iva frutescens) are the dominant shrubs, with considerable dwarf palmetto (Sabal minor) present.  As the break-up of the freshwater marshes continues, and the land continues to subside, increasingly the forested wetlands will be subjected to saltwater intrusion. 

Barrier Islands

Barrier island vegetation is characterized by a number of species including Sesuvium portulacastrum, Ipomoea stolonifera, Cakile geniculata, and Spartina patens.   The marshes on the landward edge of the islands are comprised of typical salt and brackish vegetation, predominantly oyster grass (Spartina alterniflora) and the salt tolerant scrub-shrub black mangrove (Avicennia germinans).

 Specific Environmental Concerns


Tropical storms and hurricanes are considered to be the most catastrophic storm events along the Gulf Coast.  Hurricanes generally occur between May and November with peak frequencies in September.  Hurricanes have major impacts on the water exchange, and hence the salinity distribution of Gulf Coast estuaries.  A hurricane affects these systems by the addition of salt water through storm surges and fresh water through exceptionally heavy rainfall.  These hurricane storm surges can cause massive flooding of coastal wetlands.

Hurricanes contribute to the erosion of the Louisiana coastline as well as the shoreline of the barrier islands and coastal marshes.  As erosion in these areas continues, the land mass decreases, as does the amount of protection provided by the barrier islands and marshes. Because marshes buffer the developed areas from considerable storm surge impacts, the loss of the marshes along the coast reduces their storm protection capability.

For the residents of southern Louisiana, hurricanes have personal and economic implications.  Area residents know that these intense tropical storms are large masses of energy that destroy property, changes landscapes, influence culture, and, in the worst cases, take human lives.

Hurricanes and their impacts on land can cause much destruction.  Storm surge, high winds, torrential rains, and tornadoes are the main hazards associated with a hurricane.  Of these hazards, the most deadly is the storm surge and the inland flooding that a surge creates which claim nine of ten victims.  According to the Discovery Channel, 90% of injuries and deaths occur as a result of storm surges.  The storm surge is created by the enormous force of high winds pushing masses of seawater inland.  In large Category 5 hurricanes, the storm surge can be over 19 feet high (Table 2.1), and 100 miles wide.  This wall of water can be devastating to anything in its path.  These enormous storm surges and intense rainfall combine to flood low-lying areas many miles inland, often destroying property.  As the marsh recedes, through subsidence and other forces, it provides less of a buffer.  The salt present in the seawater also becomes a destructive force because fresh marsh plants are unable to survive long-term saturation in salt water.

Heavy rainfall from hurricanes and tropical storms can produce flooding; as well, associated high winds and tornados can also be catastrophic.  Though hurricane winds tend to weaken the farther inland a hurricane moves, if accompanied by heavy rainfall, these winds an still be quite devastating through inland flooding.  Golden Meadow was settled by the survivors of the great Hurricane of 1893, which took the lives of several thousand persons in the gulf coast.  Ironically, the descendants of those survivors in Golden Meadow are now very vulnerable to devastation by hurricanes because of the tremendous loss of the wetland buffer.  A storm surge from a category 4 or 5 hurricane could breach the 12-15 foot hurricane protection levee to the south of Golden Meadow.  The degree of potential devastation would depend on the strength of the storm and the length of time it could pour water into Golden Meadow over the levees from the gulf, and from the skies through rainfall.  Heavy rainfall can be controlled through pumping the water out, but only to a degree.

The threat of hurricanes has been present since the settlement of this area thousands of years ago.  Examination of NOAA weather records show that a hurricane has made landfall in Louisiana approximately every three years since 1871.  Figure 2.3 shows the storms of the north gulf coast.  These storms have varied in intensity from small Category 1 hurricanes that



Table 2.1:   Hurricane Intensity Scale

Hurricanes are rated in intensity on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. This scale rates hurricanes by their wind speed, barometric pressure, storm surge height, and damage potential.  (This information provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.)


Figure 2.3:  Storms of the North Central Gulf Coast

(Source: U.S. Geological Survey, National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, Louisiana)

cause little physical damage to large destructive Category 5 hurricanes that result in major damage.  Hurricane Andrew in 1992 is the most recent hurricane to strike the coastline of the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary.  Hurricane Audrey, coming ashore to the west of the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary, in 1957 claimed the lives of 526 people in the coastal area of Cameron.  Hurricane Juan in 1985, spinning offshore of the Barataria-Terrebonne coast for five days, could probably be considered one of the most devastating of hurricanes because it piled up water in the estuary to a depth of nearly 10 feet for the five days it remained offshore.

The “Take Home Message” is that the estuaries, barrier islands, and marshes along Louisiana’s coast provide a buffer zone that drains a hurricane’s strength, but as this buffer zone decreases the potential for greater destruction from future hurricanes increases.


Southern Louisiana is also the endpoint of the world’s third longest river system, the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River drainage system drains and transports sediment from over thirty states and parts of Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.  The flooding of the Mississippi has been and continues to be vital to the creation of the wetlands of southern Louisiana through the sediments it carries.  In the past, these sediments were deposited in the estuaries and marshes of southern Louisiana as the river flooded these areas.  Alluvial rich soil revitalized the marshes by supplying nutrients for growth and soil for the natural development of new marsh.  Presently, this type of beneficial flooding occurs far less frequently because of current flood control measures and the levee systems developed along the rivers, primarily the Mississippi.

Levees are necessary structures for flood protection within the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary.   The levees provide protection for inhabited areas in two respects: 1) levees along the Mississippi River prevent Mississippi River flood waters from escaping the channel; and 2) hurricane protection levees which surround communities such as Golden Meadow prevent hurricane storm surges from inundating an area, and allow water to be effectively pumped out of the area.           

Early settlements of the region were located on natural levees adjacent to the Mississippi River that were less likely to flood.  As settlement continued, the limited amount of high ground that was available for settlement or agriculture production was depleted forcing later inhabitants to settle further back from the natural levees in the lower lying areas more susceptible to flooding.  Settlers built levees along the Mississippi River to protect their homes and crops from flood danger because they recognized that flooding from the Mississippi would always be a problem.  Parts of this original levee system, although modified, are still in use today (Curole, personal communication).

The periodic input of sediment and water that is critical in the formation and maintenance of Louisiana’s estuaries was lost when the channel of the Mississippi River was confined in place by massive levees.  The millions of tons of topsoil and nutrients that were historically deposited on these marshes during the annual spring floods of the Mississippi no longer are deposited due to the levee system.  Instead, the channel of the Mississippi extends to the edge of the continental shelf and the sediments that once built the marshes are now deposited into deep water that precludes the formation of new marsh, or maintenance of existing marsh along the coast.  The loss of these resources through levee construction is believed to be the single biggest cause of wetland loss in southern Louisiana.

Levees have been created inadvertently within the marsh, from the dredge material excavated when canals were dug for navigation or oil exploration channels.  These “spoil banks” alter the normal sheet flow of water through the marsh or swamp, effectively impounding the affected area so that water does not flow in or out.  This can result in the build-up of toxic chemicals such an hydrogen sulfide from plant matter decomposition in the absence of oxygen, with potentially lethal effects on a marsh or swamp.

Levees are important to Lafourche Parish and residents of Golden Meadows because the land area is only a few feet above sea level.  The heights of the levees containing the Mississippi River have gradually increased from 3 feet in the early 1700’s to about 17 feet today.  Storm surge from the gulf and potential flooding from rainfall and the gulf are constant dangers facing residents living along the Bayou Lafourche natural levee and in adjacent low-lying areas.

The levee system, while doing a good job of keeping water out, also does a good job of keeping water in, which is a problem because there is insufficient drainage for a heavy rainfall.  Facilitation of drainage through pumping is an important aspect of the levee system especially during hurricane season since large storms bring large amounts of rain to the area.  The development of the hurricane protection levees in South Lafourche has altered the natural overland flow of heavy rain inside the leveed area.  Normally, the water would flow overland into the low lying marsh and swamp areas, away from the inhabited areas, however, that runoff is now trapped inside the levees and has to be channeled into drainage canals and pumped out of the leveed areas.  Pumps and pumping stations in low-lying areas control much of the excess rainwater (Curole, personal communication).  However, at times, the pumps fail, or cannot keep up with the amount of water coming in, so the threat of flooding is always present.

The Culture

The past and current residents Golden Meadow and those residents living along Bayou Lafourche settled in the area because of the abundant natural resources including fish and shellfish, ducks and geese, furbearers for trapping and eating, and oil and natural gas.

The first inhabitants of the area were the Native Americans who utilized the plentiful resources available in Barataria-Terrebonne estuary. waterways provided easily accessible transportation routes, as well as high ground on the natural levees, and early inhabitants settled along bayous, rivers, and streams.These early settlers recognized the quality of the soil and planted crops to supplement the wild food sources.By the time the first Europeans settled in the estuary, a Native American culture consisting of well over 10,000 people was already living there.

The French settled in this region in the early 1700’s, closely followed by a group of German immigrants, who were recruited by a French company.  These early settlers gained valuable knowledge about the environment and the skills and techniques crucial for survival from the Native American residents. As the first non-native settlements occurred in this region, the need for defined land ownership arose.  Parcels of land were divided into long narrow strips with each parcel having river frontage following French inheritance practices.  These parcels, known as long-lots, were measured in arpents, a linear measure of 192 feet.  Longlots were often 1 arpent by 40 arpents.  This system allowed each holder to have an area of well-drained ground for cultivation on the natural levee, stretching back through areas of heavier poorly drained soils to standing water in marshes and swamps.  This parcel system assured each settler access to a body of water for transportation and food, and allowed for a home building site, crop production, and livestock pasture on each parcel of property.  The original French long-lot land divisions are still in use today.  The affect of these early settlers is also still evident by the continued use of many French and German location names, as well as heavy use of the French language, mostly by the elders.

Throughout its history of settlement, ownership of Louisiana transferred from the French to the Spanish, back to the French, and finally to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase.  During this time, the population in Barataria-Terrebonne grew as more settlers moved to the region to take advantage of the fertile soils and abundant resources available in the estuary and to escape religious and political persecution.   The people who settled in this area over the years have literally come from every part of the world.  This blending of beliefs and ideals has created a very diverse culture with worldwide influences.

The melding of cultures within the estuary has been further modified by nature.   Weather affects everyone living within the estuary, and most livelihoods are dependent upon the weather and the wetlands.  Farming, oil and fish industries, and numerous other jobs depend on favorable weather, which can mean the difference between success and failure, tolerable or intolerable working conditions, and, in some extreme cases, the difference between life and death.  Because of the respect for weather and potential damages from weather incidents, the people living within the estuary are mobile and maintain a flexible culture.  They are now able to leave when threatened by storms and return to rebuild at storms end, and capable of adapting and readapting to circumstances.  This estuarine culture, formed by a mix of ethnicities dependant upon the wetlands of Louisiana, is one of the greatest resources we are in danger of losing if the present pattern of marsh loss is not stopped.    

Cultural and Historical Development

The following passages about cultural and historical development of the estuary region are selected from the Avery Island and Weeks Bay geographic summary.

Native Americans have occupied the Mississippi Delta region since before the first delta complex, the Maringouin, became active (7,300 year before present).  Researchers have used archeological data, such as distinctive ceramic assemblages, from these Native American settlements to suggest a relative chronology of deltaic landforms of the Mississippi deltaic plain (Pearson and Davis, 1995).   Further, the Native Americans were quite instrumental in showing the Europeans colonists how to survive in Louisiana’s alluvial wetlands.  The first Europeans to settle these low-lying flood plains of south Louisiana were a group of rural Roman Catholic French Canadian refugees, the Cajuns, or the Acadians.  They were driven from French Canada by the English in 1755 during what is known as “Le Grand Derangement.”

As small landholders, the Acadians enjoyed the seclusion and solitude provided by Louisiana’s physical geography.  It was an ideal setting to start a new life.  They became farmers, trappers, and fishermen, providing south Louisiana with its own cultural identity.   The region’s rich alluvial soils, abundant hide-and fur-bearing animals, and easily harvested aquatic life were infinitely attractive, just as they had been to the Native American inhabitants.  The Acadians were followed by Isleños (Canary Islanders), Austrian, Slavic, Chinese, German, Philippine, English, Irish, Latin American, African American, and Italian settlers.  These populations, along with the Cajun and Native American populations have created a cultural montage of ethnic communities across coastal Louisiana.  The Deltaic Plains’s initial settlements were essentially isolated from the uplands by the region’s “inhospitable” swamp and marsh “wasteland.”  Each culture group brought with them widely differing customs, which became muted over time as each group struggled to adapt to the deltaic environment.   There are about a million French-speaking descendents of the Acadians living in south Louisiana.  It is not uncommon to find “Cajuns” with non-French surnames like Schexnieder, Robert, Allemand, Richard, Huval, and Henry -- a testament to the forces that formed the distinctive “Cajun” culture.  Another distinct culture of the Mississippi deltaic plains is that of the “Creoles” -- defined as native-born descendants of French or Spanish ancestry or both.  As an adjective the term applies to their manners, usages, and inventions, such as Creole customs, creole tomatoes, and creole cooking.  For example, black Creoles trace their roots to immigrants of Caribbean and/or African descents.  As a result, these two French-speaking groups boast distinctive music -- the Cajun French and the African-influenced Zydeco.

Many of the present day inhabitants of Golden Meadow are descendants of the survivors of the fearsome Hurricane of 1893.  This hurricane devastated the community of Chenier Caminada, which was near Grande Isle, killing one-half of the 1700 residents, with a total of 2000 persons losing their lives gulf-wide.   This sobering event caused the survivors, who were of the same mix of many cultures previously mentioned, to relocate to higher ground farther from the gulf in what is now the town of Golden Meadow, so named for the abundance of yellow-flowered goldenrod.  However, because of development the goldenrod is no longer ubiquitous.  The town of Golden Meadow was known as Canal Yankee, after the canal dug at Golden Farms, a farm created by Americans  (“Yankees”) from Maryland (Curole, personal communication).   With the recession of the marsh, Golden Meadow residents once again find themselves quite vulnerable to devastation, with the 15-foot hurricane protection levee and a smattering of the former marsh left to protect them.

In Louisiana, settlers migrated to the state’s isolated wetland landscapes, and acquired cultural practices that are identified with an annual use cycle tied to the region’s natural resource base.  Therefore, this geographic complex is a product of two distinct ingredients:  one natural and the other cultural, or human.  Topographic relief soils, landforms, vegetation, climate, and other natural qualities and agents are often self-evident.  Cultural elements -- demography, ethnicity, acculturation, cultural adaptation and heritage --are not observed easily.  In reality, these cultural and/or social identifiers are often the foundation for the lowland’s importance as a productive environment.  Moreover, exploitation patterns cannot be explained by the land characteristics alone.

Human Impact

Rather than move as the environment changed, inhabitants began to manage the region’s natural waterways to prevent change and guarantee the viability of the settlements.  European settlers took full advantage of the region’s resource base.  As a result, many cultural components survive -- dispersed and agglomerated settlements, linear hamlets, T-towns, and grid cities, plantations, folk houses, boats, fences, and barns, white-washed, above-ground graveyards, and other elements of the region’s material culture.   To some these elements are not important, to others they are links to their heritage.

As early as the 1730s, French Creoles were beginning to exploit the deltaic wetlands.  Initially, the region’s natural commodities attracted them; in particular, its timber and shell resources.  The timber came from the area’s vast bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) and tupelo gum (Nyssa aquatica) forests -- the two primary tree species in Louisiana swamps.  The shell used by the French Creoles was derived from the wetland’s numerous Native American shell middens.  Shell middens are refuse mounds that mark many of the archeological Native American sites throughout Louisiana.  The shells found in these middens are from an oyster known as Rangia.  Rangia was a primary food source for the Native Americans in this area and is thus a major component of many middens.  The Creoles recovered the shell material, which was then burned and converted to lime for use primarily in construction endeavors in the colony (Pearson et al, 1989A; Pearson et al. 1989B).

Originally, the economy was subsistence driven.  With time, this economy became more money and entrepreneurial oriented.  Agriculture products (sugarcane, cattle, rice, and other crops), sulfur, oil, natural gas, fresh-and saltwater fisheries, and the region’s trapping resources developed in response to national and international market demands.  The regional economic mainstay therefore revolved around a market that is national and international in scope.  Consequently, there evolved a large concentration of people confined to wetland-dominated habitats.  As the region’s population expanded, rural settlement clusters began to discover their own economic niche.  Each community acquired its own distinctive employment identity, from agricultural nodal points, to oil and gas support centers, and ports and seafood processing centers.   The survival of many of these communities attests to the will of the people, and their love of the land while living a tenuous existence within the estuary.  They have survived hurricanes, employment cycles, emigration; they have adapted to their conditions.

To succeed and exist in this dynamic, and sometimes inhospitable, environment, the population developed and utilized innovative engineering techniques, unconventional wisdom, and unique cultural occupancy patterns--always with an eye towards maximizing the region’s renewable resource base.  As a result, local government has invested in barrier island research and restoration, water-control structures, levee fortification, locks and gates on key natural and engineered waterways, extensive pump systems and forced drainage projects, canals and ditches to improve flood control, and other public works-type projects.  Ultimately, the population expanded by constructing their homes, hamlets, villages, towns, and industrialized cities on protected and well-drained natural levee land.  As a result, a settlement pattern was initiated that evolved from the region’s distinctive morphology and resource base.  These wetland inhabitants took advantage of all available high ground, regardless of how small or insignificant, much as their Native American predecessors.


     BAYOU LAFOURCHE, says Louisiana, is the longest village street in the world; and I don’t know of any place that has attempted to refute the claim.  It covers 120 curling miles, and along practically all that length it is impossible to ride or walk and be out of sight or hearing of a house or houseboat, both filled with people.  For mile on mile, a single line of homes hugs the waterway on one bank, and sometimes on the other as well.   Here and there towns appear, but often it cannot be determined  when a town ends and mere residences on the bayou begin.  The string becomes double for a time, the second following the curve of the stream like the first; and then it thins again.  How many houses stand in this file, nobody knows.  Some have declared that not even Holland of the old days had a greater multiplicity of rural people per linear mile.

      Lafourche may also be defined as an attitude.  Other Louisianans see or hear a thing smile and say: “That’s Lafourche for you.”  It is as contented a place as I have ever found -- good-natured, quick-talking, never pretending to be anything other than what it is; and pre-eminently it ranks as the bayou of the small man, a man who is busy enough at his duties but seldom too busy to enjoy a pleasant time with his friends.

        The Lafourchais describes his manner of elbow-to-elbow evidence by saying that the boys can toss a baseball along the bayou from one front yard to the next without losing it between the beginning and the end.  (I made no personnel test, but if the boys have moderately good pitching arms, I suspect that it can be done.)  And one day a farmer told me the story of the day the news of the First World War armistice reached Lafourche, back in 1918.  Octave, up the northern end, received a telegram.  He had a cousin, way down at the other limit, who would want to hear this news, yes.  Octave started his car, when Arséne, his neighbor, stuck his head out of the window to ask what was the matter.  Octave told him:  “La guerre est finie!”  Arséne ran to his other window and called the word to Gustave, next door.  Gustave gulped and ran to his window.  Before the hour was past the news had gone from house to house; and when Octave, chugging as fast as he could, reached his destination at the lower line, his cousin came out and cried; “Octave, you have heard?  La guerre est finie!”  And that’s Lafourche for you.

     Taken from The Bayous of Louisiana, Harnett T. Kane, 1943, New York: Bonanza Books, p. 143-144.




  1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980
  Louisiana 1,381,625 1,656,388 1,798,509 2,101,593 2,363,880 2,683,516 3,257,022 3,641,306 4,205,900
  Lafourche Parish 28,882 33,111 30,344 32,419 38,615 42,209 55,381 68,941 82,483

TOTAL PERSONS Percent Change  1910-1989

  1900-1910 1910-1920 1920-1930 1930-1940 1940-1950 1950-1960 1960-1970 1970-1980 1980-1990
  Louisiana 19.88 -8.58 6.85 12.48 13.52 21.37 14.32 15.50 .33
  Lafourche Parish  14.64 -8.35 6.83 19.11 9.30 31.20 24.48 19.64 4.09

1990 CENSUS and PROJECTIONS 1994-2020

               1990 census

1990 1994 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
  Louisiana 4,219,973 4,315,350 4,424,550 4,535,250 4,683,030 4,840,140 4,991,410
  Lafourche Parish  85,860 86,930 87,690 88,890 90,850 92,930 94,840
  Golden Meadow  (city)(city) 2,049 2,140 2,180 2,270 2,380 -- --
  Leesville  (city)(city) 7,638 7,270 7,030 7,260  7,560 -- --

     TOTAL PERSONS Percent Change Projected  Population 1990-2020

Total Persons

  1990-1994 1994-2000 2000-2005 2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020
Louisiana 2.26 2.53 2.50 3.25 3.35 3.12
Lafourche Parish 1.24 .87 1.36 2.20 2.29 2.05
Golden Meadow  (city) 4.44 1.86 4.13 4.84 -- --
Leesville   (city) -4.81 -3.30 3.27 4.13 -- --

Age Structure   1990

Years of Age Louisiana


The City of Golden Meadow

  0 -   4 334,650 7,091 144
  5 -   9 358,365 7,613 149
  10 - 14 342,455 7,157 152
  15 - 19 332,140 6,857 152
  20 - 24  324,170 7,527 132
  25 - 29 345,375 7,537 159
  30 - 34 358,547 7,299 154
  35 - 39 326,787 6,311 139
  40 - 44 279,149 5,494 105
  45 - 49 221,362 4,471 106
  50 - 54 185,078 3,803 91
  55- 59 171,927 3,453 105
  60 - 64 170,977 3,250 148
  65 - 69 155,859 2,789 122
  70 - 74 119,149 2,148 75
  75 - 79 91,394 1,498 58
  80 - 84 58,956 924 33
  85 and Over 43,633 638 25


Lafourche Parish
Selected Age Structure
Projections to 2020

Enumeration and Percent of Population

1990 1994 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
# % # % # % # % # % # % # %
under 20 years 28,300 33 28,390 33 27,870 32 27,270 30.7 27,160 29.9 27,110 29.2 20,780 29
65 years and over 8,000 9 8,530 10 9,110 10.4 9,700 10.9 10,670 11.7 12,300 13.2 14,270 15


Number of People in Industry
Employed persons 16 and over

  Louisiana Lafourche Parish
Employed persons 16 and over   66,141
Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries 41,805 89
Mining 52,329 285
Construction 111,181 773
Manufacturing, 205,420 1,764
Transportation, communications, and other public utilities 49,183 4,028
Wholesale trade 73,296 889
Retail trade 287,778 3,880
Finance, insurance, and real estate 94,423 942
Services 563,159 3,114



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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Hurricane Hazards,


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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Hazards: High Winds,


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Hazards: Heavy Rains,


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Hazards: Tornadoes,


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Hazards: Summary,


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Forecasting: Uncertainty,


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Forecasting: Summary,
