Golden Meadow - Element 14

Skill 1:  Map Use
Element 14:  Use of Satellite Imagery and Maps for Hurricane Andrew


Focus article, Weatherwatch, Summer 1992, Vol. 42, No. 2.

August 25, 1992 Hurricane Andrew image

August 26, 1992 Hurricane Andrew image

1993 Landsat Thematic Mapper Image

1994 1:24,000 scale  Golden Meadow/Golden Meadow Farms/Bay Courant/Mink Bayou Topographic Quadrangle   

1988 Landcover map

1956 Landcover map

1978 Landcover map


1.         On the August 25, 1992 Hurricane Andrew image:

a. Locate the eye of Hurricane Andrew.

b.   Find the approximate location of the Golden Meadow study site on the image.

2.         On the August 26, 1992 Hurricane Andrew image:

a. Locate the eye of Hurricane Andrew.

b. Find the approximate location of the Golden Meadow study site on the image.

c.   What quadrant of the storm is the Golden Meadow study site in?

3.         On the 1993 Landsat Thematic Mapper Image:

a. Find the location of the eye of Hurricane Andrew using the August 26, 1992 image.

4.          Read the Focus article, Weatherwatch, Summer 1992, Vol. 42, No. 2.

        a. What is the discrepancy between the time of landfall on the Louisiana

              coast in the article and the time on the August 26, 1992 image?

Time in article ____________________

Time on image ____________________

         b. Which time of landfall would you believe to be accurate? _________

         c. Looking at the 1993 Landsat Thematic Mapper Image, do you agree with

the article about  the reason for the impact in South Louisiana being

“considerably less.” 

5.         Using the August 26,1992 image, the 1993 Landsat Thematic Mapper Image, the

            1994 1:24,000 scale Golden Meadow/Golden Meadow Farms/Bay Courant/Mink

            Bayou Topographic Quadrangle and the 1988 Landcover map:

    a. What would you suspect the impacts of Hurricane Andrew might be on the study site?

Hint: The storm surge from Hurricane Andrew at Leeville was 4 feet.

    b. What is the predominant habitat type that would have been inundated by

         the Hurricane Andrew storm surge?  _____________________________

             c. How much of the study would have been covered by a storm surge  of  9

               feet at Leeville from  Hurricane Juan in 1985?  ___________________

            6.         Using the 1956 and the 1978 Landcover maps:

How much of the study site would have been covered by the storm surge of 8 feet at Leeville from Hurricane Betsy in 1965? _________________