Photographic Essay
of the
Elkhorn Slough Site California

The photographic essay focuses on an area of the Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California. Photographs of selected wetlands locations are digital camera images taken by the WETMAAP /CNL World Programs Development Team October 23, 2011 (Fig. 3.1).

The photographic essay is for use with a series of aerial photographs, topographic maps, wetland and upland land cover maps, and selected materials that assist in the identification of changes of wetland habitats.

The site focus is on an estuary: 1) changes in wetlands and habitats between the upper and lower estuary; and, 2) differences in land cover and land use within the Elkhorn Slough watershed. Emphasis is on comparing ground level photography with maps and aerial imagery that aid in wetland interpretation for the area.

Figure 3.1: Proximal Location
The Elkhorn Slough study site Monterey

Figure 3.2: Elkhorn Slough Photo Essay
Ground Photograph Locations With Line- of- Sight

Plate numbers correspond with circled numbers on the reduced section (Elkhorn Slough site) of the Monterey quadrangles. Arrows indicate directions of line-of-sight.