Cocodrie Element 1

Skill 3:  Visual Recognition
Element 1: Comparison of Habitat Maps

        Note: Use Colored Habitat maps from Skill 1, Element 3 


            1956 colored Habitat map

          1978 colored Habitat overlay

          1988 colored Habitat overlay

          1995 colored Habitat overlay   

            Drafting tape  


         1. Tape the 1978 colored Habitat overlay over the 1956 colored Habitat map. Position the overlay using the corner marks.

          2. Tape colored 1988 colored Habitat overlay over the 1978 colored Habitat overlay. Position overlays using corner marks.

         3. Tape the 1995 colored Habitat overlay over the 1988 colored Habitat overlay.

                           Position overlays using corner marks. 

             Hint: Tape one overlay at the left edge and the other overlay at the right edge. By attaching overlays at opposite sides, you can flip the overlays to view various combinations of habitat change from 1956 to, 1978, 1988, and to 1995. 

     4. Visually compare the differences between the habitats. Compare 1956 and 1978; compare 1956 and 1995.

        5. Place a sheet of white paper between the 1956 colored Habitat map and the 1978 colored Habitat overlay. 

     6. Visually compare the differences in habitats (colored) between 1978 and 1988.

       7. Place a sheet of white paper between the 1978 Habitat overlay and the 1988 Habitat overlay.

        8. Visually compare the differences in habitats between 1988 and 1995.