Cape Hatteras: Element 2

Skill 4: Aerial Photo Interpretation
Element 2: Habitat Interpretation


1992 Aerial Photograph with overlay attached, study site boundary delineated, and habitats identified for the photographic essay
1983 Aerial Photographic signature table prepared in Skill 4, Element 1
1990 Aerial Photographic signature table prepared in Skill 4, Element 1
colored pens
magnifying glass


1. Using the Ultra-fine black pen, draw a line between the open water and the land for the area inside the study site boundary only.

2. Delineate habitats on the land by drawing boundaries around each habitat type, using the black ultra-fine pen.

3. Completely fill in all polygons with the color indicating the type of habitat.

4. Prepare a legend at the bottom of the overlay by creating a box filled with the proper color. Label beside the boxes with the proper habitat name.


¨ Salt Open Water

¨ Salt Marsh

¨ Fresh Marsh

¨ Wetland Scrub-shrub